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Age Category Profiles
Age Category Profiles

Define age category groups to which you can automatically assign your participants.

Louis Dorey avatar
Written by Louis Dorey
Updated over 6 months ago

Age Category Profiles can be used to automatically categorise participants into age/gender groups with respect to the Date of Birth and Gender they provide during registration. The group in which a participant is categorised can then be recorded against their entry.

Typical use might include the grouping of participants into officially recognised England Athletics/British Triathlon Federation (or other Governing/Licensing body) age categories, or simply for events where prizes may be offered to the winners of specific age/gender groups.

Locating this Feature

From the system menu, select System Options > Age Category Profiles.

Create an Age Category Profile

Gender/Date of Birth Settings

The system default Gender options are Female, Male, and Non-Binary. When creating an Age Category Profile, you will need to define age ranges for whichever of these Genders are available as responses on your registration form.

  • If you wish to offer an alternative Gender option, you should first add a new Gender profile via the Account Settings > Gender Profiles option in the system menu.

  • You will also need to review the Standard Fields via Setup > Form > Registration Form of the event to which these age categories will apply, to ensure that:

    • The Gender field is enabled and the correct responses selected (via Advanced Options).

    • The Date of Birth field is enabled.

Add a new Profile

From the Age Category Profiles dashboard, select +Add Age Category Profile.

  • Provide the Name of this profile for internal reference.

  • Select the relevant Calc Age Strategy from the available options:

    • Age on a specific date - Typically used for multi-sport events (triathlons etc.), the participant’s age will be determined with respect to a specific date in the same year in which the race/event takes place. If selecting this option, you will also need to enter the Date on which the age should be calculated. For events licensed with the British Triathlon Federation, for example, this would typically be 31st December.

    • Age on the day of the event - Typically used for running events, the participant’s age will always be determined with respect to their age on the day of the race/event itself.

  • Set this as the primary age category profile is optional, but when enabled for a profile, will always display that profile first in the list of options when later linking a profile to a race/category.

Define the Categories

Once the profile has been created, you can define the age ranges for each category.

For each Gender that you are accepting as a response on the entry form (for any events to which the profile will be linked):

  • Click Add New to create a category.

  • Enter the name, and the lower/upper limits of the age range applicable to this category (these are inclusive).

⚠️ NOTE: Age ranges do not need to be created in ascending order to function as intended, but they should not overlap within the same Gender group.

  • Repeat for as many categories as required for this profile. An example of a completed profile for Female/Male genders is provided below, but you will also need to define the age ranges for Non-Binary (or any other gender options manually added to the system) if available as an option on the registration form for any events to which this profile will apply.

A single Profile can be linked to multiple events which use the same categories, but where categories differ between races, you may need to create additional profiles to satisfy requirements.

Apply a Profile to an Event/Race

Categories on their own will not be automatically applied to your events, they first need to be selected within the setup for each of the relevant races/categories.

  • Navigate to Setup > Races within the relevant event.

  • Edit the race(s) to which you wish to apply a profile.

  • Under the Age Category Profile section, select an existing profile from those available on your account and Save once you have made any other changes.

NOTE: Once enabled, only future participants entering this race/category - whether directly through the website or when entered manually/imported - will automatically be assigned to the correct age category. In order to apply the profile to existing participants in any of the races/categories to which it has since been applied, return to the Age Category Profile dashboard and click Sync Now to retrospectively assign them to their respective age group.

Viewing Age Category Groups

Once assigned, age groups can be viewed/utilised in several places.

  • Visible as a column on the Event > Sign-ups summary view.

  • Included as a column in the participant export where selected.

  • Included as a column in shared reports where selected.

  • Can optionally be included on results pages, if importing a csv file.

Managing Existing Profiles

Existing profiles can be managed from the Age Category Profiles page.

  • Duplicate - Use this option to create a new (but similar) profile containing the same age bands as the original, for adjustment as necessary.

  • Edit - Amend the configuration of an existing profile as necessary.

  • Sync Now - This action must be performed after editing a profile, or linking it to a race, in order that existing participants are assigned to the correct/revised category.

  • Delete - Remove a profile if no longer required, but note that any races to which this profile has been linked will no longer assign participants to a category until a new profile is selected.

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