Your entry form not only allows you to collect important information but also sell merchandise , booking insurance , receive donations, and capture interest for own-place participants.
By default, when building the form for an event, the questions apply to every race within your event. You can fine-tune which questions appear for different races i.e. You may not ask a predicted finishing time for a junior race but you would for a senior race
As well as customising the entry form, you can choose at what point a participant is asked to complete their information. By far the most common approach (and the default setting), is to ask the participant to complete the form during their initial registration process. However, in some cases, you may only want to allow participants to select the number of tickets they want initally, complete payment, and then provide their details later. This is known as pre-pay. More information on pre-pay can be found here <link>
Finding the Entry Form
Dashboard > Event > Setup > Form
Standard Fields
The Standard fields include the most common questions for which responses are usually captured when accepting entries for an event.
The majority of these options can be enabled/disabled as necessary using the toggle to determine whether they appear on the entry form.
Any fields with a pencil icon can also be renamed to make them more specific for your event.
Additional custom questions can be added to the entry form by utilising several question/response types, detailed below.
Field Explanations:
Booking As
Booking As
Data captured: Who this booking is for i.e. the current user, someone else or a minor under a certain age
The default settings for this option will give a user the option to book as Myself, or as Someone Else. If enabled, this is a required field.
Clicking Show Advanced Options allows further customisation. The option to book as either Myself or Someone Else can be disabled, and the option to book as Someone Else (Aged below 18) can be enabled, but at least one of these options must always be enabled.
Enabling the latter of these options allows additional customisation of:
The age of the person below which you are offering the user the option to book.
The text displayed for the checkbox disclaimer a user must select to proceed.
A parental consent description.
First Name
First Name
Data captured: The first name of the participant.
If enabled, this is a required field.
Last Name
Last Name
Data captured: The last name of the participant.
If enabled, this is a required field.
Data captured: The gender of the participant.
The default settings for this option will give a user the option to book as Female, Male or Non Binary. If enabled, this is a required field. Where gender restrictions have been defined on any of the races/tickets within the event, this field will be enabled by default (and cannot be disabled).
Clicking Show Advanced Options allows further customisation. The option to book as either of these can be disabled, but at least one must always be enabled.
Additional gender options can be added through Account & Users > Organisation Details > Genders > Add Genders. <link>
Club Name
Club Name
Data captured: The club the participant may belong to.
If enabled, this is an optional field.
Date of Birth
Date of Birth
Data captured: The Date of birth of the participant
If enabled, this is a required field. Where age restrictions have been defined on any of the races/tickets within the event, this field will be enabled by default (and cannot be disabled).
Data captured: The physical address a participant lives at.
If enabled, some fields are required (Address Line 1, City/Town, Postcode) whilst others are optional (Address Line 2, County, Country).
Postcode Lookup
Postcode Lookup
Enabling this option will facilitate a more accurate address capture process, offering users the (quicker) option to search for their address using the Royal Mail postcode search.
Contact Number
Contact Number
Data captured: The contact number of the participant.
If enabled, this is a required field. If expected to be used for any sms communications, the text of this field can be edited to include the format required (e.g., ‘UK Mobile Number’ (in format 07777123456)).
Emergency Contact Details
Emergency Contact Details
Data captured: The emergency contact number of the participant.
If enabled, fields for both Emergency Contact Name and Emergency Contact Number will be displayed, both of which are required.
Please specify any medical conditions (if applicable)
Please specify any medical conditions (if applicable)
Data captured: Any details about the participant that an event medical team should be aware in case of a medical emergency
If enabled, this is an optional field.
I want to opt into email communication from Organiser Name regarding future events
I want to opt into email communication from Organiser Name regarding future events
To satisfy GDPR requirements, this option must be enabled (and selected during registration) for a user to appear on any Contact Lists used when sending Email Marketing campaigns.
Further guidance on Email Marketing can be found <link>
Define the text that will be displayed above the team picker
Define the text that will be displayed above the team picker
Although editable, the text for this option cannot be disabled.
I accept the Race organiser and registration provider terms and conditions
I accept the Race organiser and registration provider terms and conditions
Although the first part is editable, the text for this option cannot be disabled and will be displayed as the last statement on the entry form. A participant is required to check the box to indicate that they have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions
Enabling/Disabling Standard Questions
Toggle question on/off is quick and easy:
To enable a given question, toggle the “Include On Form” to show “Enabled”.
To disable a given question, toggle the “Include on Form” to show “Disabled”.
Editing Standard Question Names
You can edit the titles of certain questions if you wish to amend the wording i.e. if you wanted to change “gender” to “sex at birth”
Click the pencil icon on the standard field you wish to change the label of.
Enter your text and hit “Enter” (Your label will be saved straight away)
If you wish to reset this to the default text, simply click the “reset” button
Collecting Other Information (Custom Questions)
Whilst standard questions provide the most commonly used fields, you may also want to capture more specific information such as predicted finishing times, wave selection, market research questions or anything else you can think of. For this, you can use “Collect Other Information” section.
Remember to Save Form after making any changes to ensure they are applied as expected. Changes will not be retained if navigating away from the page without doing so.
When creating custom questions, you can choose what type of question from the following list:
Question Type | Output |
Text Field | A text box input allowing written text up to 255 characters |
Select | A dropdown/select menu that allows one option to be selected |
Text Area | A text area input allowing written text up to 1055 characters |
Date Field | A date input that accepts dates in the format of dd/mm/yyyy |
Number | A text box input that allows number inputs |
Radio Group | A group of one or more radio options that allows one option to be selected |
Paragraph | A block of text that is shown on the form Note: This is for informational purposes only and does not allow a participant to supply an answer |
Header | A header that can be used to provide more structure to a form by grouping common questions |
Checkbox Group | A single checkbox that allows a participant to tick it. |
Time (hh:mm:ss) | A time input that accepts times in the format of hh:mm:ss. This is useful for capturing predicted finishing times |
Adding a custom question
Choose a question type
Complete the form details:
Required - If this question is mandatory
Label - The question name as seen by the participant
Help text - Helpful information that sits under the question on the form
Team Question - If this question only applies to a team ticket
Transaction - If this question only applies to the transaction
Waver* - If this question is a waver and should appear in the waver section of the form. Only applicable to Checkbox Group
Click “Save Form” when done
An illustration of how the above options render on the form can be seen below
Editing a custom question
Click the “pencil” icon on the question to expand the question form. You can now amend the details as required. Be sure to click “Save Form” when done
Ordering custom questions
Once you have added custom questions, you may want to re-order them so that your most important questions appear at the top of the form etc..
To do this, simply click and hold on a question and drag it to where you want it to me
Conditional Questions
There may be times that a question is dependent on the answer to another question i.e. if a participant were to answer “yes” to a question: “Is this your first ever triathlon?” this might then lead them to be shown a follow-up question of “How did you hear about this event”, but an answer of “No” may ask a different question i.e. “How many triathlons have you competed in?”
Note: Before you can create a conditional question, you must have at least one select menu or radio group.
Setting up conditional questions
Click “Conditional Questions”
Select the question you want to show (left box)
Select what option should show this option (middle box)
Selecting “Show if parent question is hidden” will ensure this question shows, even if the parent question is hidden for a given race
If you wish to add another conditional question, click “Add More”
When done, be sure to click “Save”
Capacity Questions
In some cases, you may want to set a capacity on answers for a given question. An example of where is useful is when asking participants what “wave” they want to start in for example:
In the above example, you could limit the number of people who can answer each question to say, 200. Once 200 people have answered a given question, it then becomes unavailable.
Note: You must have at least one select menu or radio group to enable capacity questions
Adding Capacity to Questions
Click “Capacity Questions”
Tick the box on any questions you wish to give a capacity
Enter the total amount of availability
Note: Its important to note that the total capacity will not decrease as people answer questions. You should only change this number if your capacity changes. The system will ensure that once the reserved count = total capacity, no one else can select this option
The system will also keep track of any amendments participants may make to a question that carries a capacity (if you allow self-managing entries <link>), transfers to someone else, moves to another race, and archiving/unarchiving of races
Hiding questions for a given race
Whilst creating an entry form for the entire event is often a quick and convenient way of building your entry form, you may want to restrict questions for a given race. i.e. If you have 2 races (a 10k and Half Marathon), that are part of the same event, you may want to ask slightly different questions depending on what race a participant is entering.
This can be achieved as follows:
Add the question to your form as described in the sections above
Navigate to "Setup" > "Races"
Scroll to the race you want to tailor the form for, and click "Preview Entry Form"
For any questions, products, charities or own place charity sections you do not want to show for this race, simply click "Hide"
Other Entry Form Information
Terms & Conditions
At the foot of the entry form, users will be required to agree that they have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions (or any alternative as edited in the Form Builder) before proceeding with registration.
Since the T&Cs will apply to all races/tickets listed under the event, any variations between categories should be included where necessary.
Add the Terms and Conditions applicable to the event and Save.
Clicking the terms and conditions link on the entry form will display a pop-up window with your terms.
Adding Merchandise to your form
You can add products from your merchandise store to the entry form. We recommend you test your customer journey if you are adding multiple products to be sure that the imagery looks good on desktop and mobile but also make sure you are happy with the length of the form as the more items you add the larger the distance to the payment portal.
For more information about selling merchandise see our guides here
Adding Donations to your form
If you have charity partners, you can collect donations on the entry form. You can personalise the pre-set donation amounts or offer custom donation options.
For more information about Donations see our guide here
Adding Booking Insurance to your form
For more information about Refund Protect see our guide here
Adding Charity Partners to your form
For more information about Charity Partners see our guide here