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Allowing people to make donations
Allowing people to make donations

Accepting donations is a great way to enhance the impact of an event and engage charity partners

Angus Williams avatar
Written by Angus Williams
Updated over 2 months ago

Accepting donations is a great way to enhance the impact of an event and engage charity partners whilst also increasing fundraising initiatives.

Eventrac allows organisers to customise their registration flows, allowing participants (and others) the option to make donations at any stage either during, or independently of the registration flow.

There are often times when organisers will want the funds raised from donations to go directly to the charity. Eventrac’s split-payment mechanism makes it easy to divert payments to the correct account.

Locating this Feature

Dashboard - To view a graph or list of donations that have been given

From the left menu, Click Donations.

Setup - To add a charity or edit an existing charity

  • Adding a new charity: From the left menu, Click Charities Setup > Add Charity

  • Editing an existing charity: From the left menu, Click Charities Setup > All Charities

Adding Charities

Navigate to “Charities Setup” > “Add Charity

Provide the Charity details:

  • Name - As shown to people making the donation. This is typically the name of the charity

  • Logo - The logo that is shown when this charity is displayed. We recommend a square image i.e. 250px x 250px

  • Description - A short paragraph of text that shows people information about the charity. We suggest keeping this to less than 100 words.

  • Payment Account - Where money for this donation should be sent to. See here for more details on how to control which payment account donations are sent to

Donation Options - Customising donation amounts, gift aid and confirmation

  • Gift aid - means people can indicate their donation is gift aid eligible

  • How much money people can donate

    • Any amount - Donors can enter any amount they choose i.e. £3.45 or £95.00.

    • Fixed options only - Donors must pick from a list of available amounts that you set. You can set as many of these as you like but we recommend 5 and ideally no more than 10. i.e. £5, £10, £20, £50, £100. To add context to what these amounts mean, you can add a description which is shown to the donor i.e. £5 - Feeds a person for a month; £100 - Feeds a family for a year etc.. <screenshot>

    • Both fixed & any amount - This offers both of the above options by adding a “other amount” option at the end of the list. This is the recommended approach in most cases

  • Minimum donation amount - The minimum amount of money someone is asked to donate. For example, if this was set to £2, donors must make a compulsory donation of at least £2 or more.

If a minimum donation is set and the charity is added to an event registration form, then this will effectively force a participant to make at least a £2 donation.

  • Always send confirmation email - will always send a separate email confirming the donation, even when making a donation during a signup.

Even if this is unchecked and someone makes a donation in isolation, an email will be sent

Linking Donations to Event Entry Forms

So that people can make donations during signup, organisers can add the option for participants to make donations directly on the entry form or landing pages.


  • When creating a charity, check the boxes of any events you wish the charity donation option to appear on

  • Via the “Form” section of an event, simply check any charities from the donations tab that you want to show

Reporting on Donations

Once someone donates, organisers can view a list of these donations

  1. Navigate to “Donations” on the left menu - This will show an overview of all the donations with a graph of when they were made and summaries of how many and how much has been donated. This can be filtered by charity.

  2. Click “Donations” to see a list

    1. Filtering can be applied on the left. The following filters can be used:

      1. Free Search - This will search by a donor's first name, last name, and/or email address

      2. Charity - The charity or charities where money has been donated i.e. so you can view donations for a specific charity

      3. Gift Aid - To filter by donations that either did or did not indicate where gift aid-able

      4. Date From/Date To - The date bounds for when donations were made

  3. Click “Manage” to view more information about the donation, the participant record to which it is attached (if any), or to refund if necessary.

  4. Click “Export” to export a list of donations

Sending Donations directly to a charity

There will be times when you the money that's donated to be sent directly to a charity. To do this, you can use eventracs' split payment mechanism.

  1. Connect the charity's Stripe account (guide)

  2. Edit the charity and select the charities stripe account from the list

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